A Critical Complication After Surgery for Ankylosing Spinal Hyperostosis
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We experienced a case who received a bone resection for ankylosing spinal hyperostosis through the anterior approach. He subsequently became asphyxic and suffered a cardiopulmonary arrest owing to a postoperative hematoma. His complaint before the surgery was sticking of his throat and dyspnea that continued for 3 years. X-ray films revealed an osteophyte on the anterior side of the C3-C6 vertebral bodies, and we made an anterior approach under general anesthesia. There were no problems during the surgery. After being returned to the ward without intubation, he complained that he had a catch in his throat that progressed little by little, and subsequently suffered a cardiopulmonary arrest at 5 hours after surgery. Upon revival, he had brain hypoxia. He passed away owing to malnutrition and pneumonia at 4 years after the surgery. To prevent this complication, it is important to have an understanding of this condition. We should have alerted the nurses that such a complication may occur after anterior spinal surgery. It is also important to be aware that intubation of such a case becomes difficult once the trachea has become compressed and curved because of a hematoma.頸椎前方アプローチの術後合併症として術後血腫およびそれによる気管,食道の圧迫が挙げられるが,窒息まで至る症例は非常に希である.今回,我々は強直性脊椎骨増殖症に対して前方アプローチにて骨棘切除術を施行した後に,術後血腫で窒息し,心肺停止をきたした症例を経験した.症例は51歳の男性.主訴は3年前からの喉のつかえ,息苦しさであった.単純X線でC3-6前方に骨増殖性の骨棘を認め,手術は全麻下に前方アプローチで侵入した.術中トラブルなく,抜管後に病棟へ帰室したが,徐々に咽頭部違和感を自覚し,術後約5時間で心肺停止になった.蘇生後,低酸素脳症による症状が持続したが,術後4年経過後に栄養不良と肺炎で永眠した.問題点として,術後の頸部の腫脹がガーゼで確認しにくかった点や,看護師への前方アプローチでの危険性の啓蒙が不十分であったこと,などが挙げられる.また,一旦血腫による窒息を生じると,気管は圧迫弯曲するため,挿管は極めてしにくくなり,先に血腫を掻き出さなければならない場合があることは注意を要する.頸椎前方固定術後,合併症の危険性を改めて認識すべきである.
- 2009-04-25
- A Critical Complication After Surgery for Ankylosing Spinal Hyperostosis
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