制度改革, 経済発展と中国草原地域の環境・経済問題
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In this paper, we discussed following three problems: present situation of the steppe degeneration and desertifi cation in Northwestern China; changes in natural climate, economical and political environment, such as economic reforms, market condition and farming organizations; the major factor which caused the degeneration and desertifi cation of the steppe, and the effective policy measures which could solve or relief the problems. From our study, the following facts wore clarifi ed. 1. No decrease trend of rainfall, but increase trend of temperature are observed in the northwestern steppe areas since 1950. This fact and speed of temperature increase in the steppe areas is most fast among the China could tell us that, climate changes are not the main reason about the steppe degeneration and desertifi cation. 2. Instead of the climate changes, the popular phenomenon of overgrazing should be the most important reason. Since 1980s, when the market liberalization reform and the Household Contract Farming System was introduced into the steppe areas, people's incentive to increase livestock breeding was greatly promoted, but there are no mechanisms to control the number of livestock under a common land system, and the government also did not pay enough attentions and fi nancial investment to conservation of the environment. As the results, the production of livestock has greatly increased, but the grassland has begun to degenerate and desertifi cate. 3. To stop the degeneration and desertifi cation of grasslands, Chinese government should fi rst increase the fi nancial investment to the conservation of steppe environment, such as introducing a direct payment for livestock reduction, secondly change the policy orientation about the steppe areas from promoting productivity to environment conservation, then reform the existing family management system and administration organization in these areas,.
- 2009-03-31
- 総合討論
- 制度改革, 経済発展と中国草原地域の環境・経済問題
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