familiarityと心理的距離についての一考察 : デジャヴュ体験という視点から
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This paper considered familiarity. Familiarity is the feeling many people feel daily and many researchers of various fields have considered it. A dictionary defines it as a feeling of knowing others well. The source of the familiarity is the meaning of "family" in Latin. From this family image, it contains a two-sided meaning. One image is nearness distance, for example, from its protector aspect. Another image is the far distance, for example, from its compulsory aspect. From the article by Sigmund Freud (1919), familiarity is similar to the unfamiliarity. The article suggests the possibility that familiarity has two-sided meaning. Thus, I discussed the meanings of familiarity through the survey of déjà vu experiences. The central idea of déjà vu experiences is familiarity. The survey consists of Questionnaire of free description about déjà vu and interview. From this interview, I showed two cases of déjà vu experiences. These cases suggest familiarity has two aspects: near and far distance, and also a further aspect which inevitably throws one into a place transcends the distinction between near and far distance. When a person experiences familiarity, he or she experiences a change of the self-world.
- 2009-03-31
論文 | ランダム
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