Bilateral spermatocele concurrent with bilateral scrotal hydrocele presenting huge scrotal swelling
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We report the very rare case of bilateral spermatoceles concurrent with bilateral scrotal hydrocele presenting huge scrotal swelling. A 52-year-old man came to our hospital because of large scrotal swelling. Ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging showed bilateral large scrotal hydroceles concurrent with bilateral multicystic spermatoceles above the hydrocele. He had no history of vasectomy or scrotal injury, and the semen examination was normal. The contents of the hydroceles and spermatoceles were first aspirated, but hydrocelectomy and spermatocelectomy were eventually done because after the aspiration the fluid increased more rapidly. Bilateral spermatocele is very rare; moreover, this is the first report of bilateral spermatocele concurrent with bilateral hydrocele.
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