運動に制限のある幼児の保育活動への参加に関する研究 : 統合保育でいかに主体的な参加を支えるか
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The purpose of this study is to identify that what kind of activity difficulties for one child with motor disability occur in preschool activities, and what kind of supports is needed. Sixty-five activity difficulties pulled out from a preschool document was compiled using KJ method. As a result, activity difficulties was summarized in 4 groups: (1) Difficulty of the movement of the arms, (2) Difficulty of access to physical environment, (3) Difficulty that occurred by matching with the movement of the class, (4) Difficulty of social interaction with friends. Especially, difficulty of the (3) is occurred in all at once activities. And if activity accomplishment based on child's intention was limited, it was suggested that psychology or physical burdens occurred to a child. To address this problem in integrated early childhood setting, assessment of access to physical environment is needed beforehand. And to decrease physical assistance and increase independent actions, such as "environmental support" or "materials adaptation" or "special equipment" are also needed. However, in the case of difficulty of the (3), support at the place was not effective, so it was thought that a beforehand plan based on common recognition between teachers is necessary.
- 広島大学大学院教育学研究科の論文
- 2008-12-26
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