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Two new micro-methods for estimation of calcium are described, which can be carried out with 0.1ml. of serum. Previous deproteinization is unnecessary. In the first method the precipitated calcium oxalate is washed once with 0.5% ammonium oxalate and twice with a mixture out of equal volumes of ethanol, ether and dilute ammonia. After evaporation of the residual washing fluid the oxalate is oxidized through addition with 1ml. of dilute cerium ammonium nitrate solution (nearly N/1000) in N sulfuric acid, and then added drop by drop with 1ml. of indigo carmine solution in N/10 sulfuric acid, and filled with water to the 5ml. mark. Concentration of the dye solution has been previously adjusted so that the addition of 10ml. of it from a burette colors the same volume of the ceri solution just faintly blue. Since the intensity of blue color is proportional to the calcium content, extinction was measured by photometry with filter S01. Calcium mg per 100ml. of serum=ε×23.26. In the second method the precipitated calcium oxalate is washed with 0.5% ammonium oxalate and ignited after addition with 0.1ml. of N/100 hydrochloric acid and 0.1ml of N sulfuric acid. The remained calcium sulfate is dissolved by addition with 0.5ml. of water and the solution is shaken gently with a small amount of manganous oxalate powder, placed in a boiling water bath for 5 minutes and filled with ethanol to the 5ml. mark, whereby a minute quantity of dissolved manganous oxalate is precipitated and the calcium in the solution is exchanged with equivalent manganese. 3ml. of the filtrate are used for the color reaction with formaldoxime. After filling to the 5ml. mark the extinction of wine-red colored solution was measured with filter S47. Calcium mg per 100ml. of serum=ε×28.98. The range of error in assays with calcium chloride solution remained within the range of 2.5% in both methods and the estimation of serum calcium by both methods coincide with each other. According to the experience of the author the first method is preferred, becaus
- 千葉医学会の論文
- 1951-12-28
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