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【目的】本研究の目的は,個室病床は孤独感を感じやすい環境なのか,また,そうであるとすれば,孤独感に影響を及ぼす要因は何かということを明らかにし,孤独感軽減のための看護介入の手がかりを得ることである。【方法】個室に入院中または一般病床に入院中で,今回の入院で個室を経験した20歳以上の患者からのアンケート結果(72例)を解析した。【結果および考察】孤独感を感じている人は18例(25.0%)であり,重症室(37.2%)が特別室(6.9%)より有意に多かった。重症室では必要とされる医療処置が多く,制限された生活となることから患者は孤独感を感じやすい状況にあると考えられた。また孤独感は患者の性向要因(自らコミュニケーションを図りに行く性格傾向)と身体的要因(ADL)に起因しており,検討した入院環境要因では差を認めなかった。以上より,個室は孤独感を感じやすい環境であり,身体的要因のみではなく,性格傾向を十分に配慮して孤独感の軽減に向けたケアを行っていく必要がある。Objectives: The purpose of the study is to clarify whether a single room of hospital is an environment inducing loneliness, if it is so, and to identify the factors which influence on loneliness, and to obtain clues for nursing interventions to soothe the patients' mind. Methods: A questionnaire survey was conducted to the hospitalized patients over the age 20 either who were inpatient accommodation of a single room or who were in a four -bedded room after the experience of a single room in the hospital. The data obtained from 72 cases were analyzed along the lines of the objectlves. Results and Discussions: Eighteen patients (25.0%) felt loneliness, especially loneliness in the single rooms for intensive care (37.2%) was significantly higher than that in the single deluxe rooms (6.9%). It was considered that the patients in the single rooms for intensive care were easy to feel loneliness due to restrictions on their activities by frequent medical treatments. Furthermore, it was revealed that the loneliness was significantly related to the personality factors (talkative, speak to others aggressively) and to the physical factors (declined ADL). However, no significant difference was recognized on the inpatient environmental factors. It was concluded that a single room of hospital is the environment inducing of loneliness. Therefore it is necessary to soothe the patients' loneliness by providing cares in consideration of not only physical factors but disposition of the patients.
- 看護総合科学研究会の論文
- 2007-03-30
看護総合科学研究会 | 論文
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