An Unusual Case of Fatal Airbag Injury
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We report an unusual case of fatal airbag injury. A woman in her forties was driving a light car when it was involved in an accident. When the car was found, the left front wheel had dropped into the gutter, the front bumper was dented and the airbag had deployed. Forensic autopsy revealed that the right subclavian artery and the left vertebral artery were ruptured and 1,570 ml and 360 ml of blood with clots were observed in the left and the right thoracic cavity, respectively. It was considered that the unusual collision produced by deployment of the airbag had caused these ruptures and massive hemorrhaging. Although an airbag is an effective tool for ensuring the safety of a driver and the passengers, it may injure and occasionally kill the occupants if they do not remain in the appropriate and restrained seating position.特異なエアバッグ損傷の1例を経験したので報告する.症例は40代女性.自家軽乗用車の運転席で,左前輪を側溝に落とし,バンパーが凹み,エアバッグが作動している状態で発見された.病院へ搬送されたが死亡が確認され,死因究明のため司法解剖が施行された.右鎖骨下動脈分岐部および左椎骨動脈分岐部が破裂し,左右胸腔内にそれぞれ1,570ml と360ml の凝血を含む血液の貯留を認めた.交通事故発生時,エアバッグが作動し前胸部を圧迫したことにより,加速度が作用する剪断外力が生じて動脈損傷をきたしたと考えられた.エアバッグは,衝突時にシートベルトの働きを補助して運転者および同乗者の受傷を防ぐ有効な装置であるが,シートベルト非装着や不適切な乗車姿勢では成傷器となりうることを周知させる必要がある.
- 2008-11-25
- An Unusual Case of Fatal Airbag Injury
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