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2006年6月にヨーロッパの小国モンテネグロが国家連合セルビア・モンテネグロからの分離独立を果たした。本稿では,モンテネグロの独立への動きの中で,ヨー ロッパ統合の枠組みの存在がどのような影響を及ぼしたのかを分析することによって,現代の国際社会で同時進行している統合運動と分離運動の相互作用を明らかにすることを目的としている。ジュカノヴィッチを中心とするモンテネグロの独立派は,早期の独立を歓迎しないEUの政策にもかかわらず,当時国際社 会から孤立していたセルビアとの国家連合を解消することがEU加盟への近道だと主張し,この路線が今回の独立につながった。したがって,統合運動の存在 はその領域内だけでなく,近隣諸国の分離主義をも刺激する場合があるという関係が明らかとなった。 Montenegro declared its independence in June 2006. This paper will examine the interaction between the integration and disintegration of sovereign states, both of which characterize contemporary international relations. Those who supported Montenegrin independence regarded the confederation with Serbia as an obstacle to membership in the EU. The EU wanted to avoid the early disintegration of Serbia and Montenegro out of fear of destabilization of the Balkan Peninsula, and frequently intervened in negotiations in an attempt at keeping the Yugoslav confederation together. And yet Montenegrin nationalists proclaimed that separation was a shortcut to EU membership. In a referendum on independence in May 2005, 55.5% of Montenegrin voters supported becoming independent from the confederation. Although Montenegro was evenly divided on independence, the EU decided to suspend talks on closer ties with Serbia and Montenegro. The reason for this was because of the uncooperative policy of Serbia toward the International Criminal Court prior to the referendum, which played a decisive role in the referendum. This clearly showed the Montenegrin people that separation was a shortcut for joining the EU. As in the cases of Quebec and Scotland, economic integration sometimes gives a boost to secessionist movements within a framework. Montenegrin independence shows that integration movements also encourage separatism even outside such a framework.
- 2007-09-28