Gender Budget and Care : Macroeconomic Analysis from the Gender Perspective
- 論文の詳細を見る
In most, if not all, bodies of knowledge, domestic structures, particularlyunpaid care labour, appear to remain as taken-for-granted. In thisarticle we argue the gender budget from the methodological point ofview. In so doing, we shall explore some implications of including thedomestic as one of the sectors, along with the public and privatesectors; and of including circuits structured by interpersonal relationsof kinship, friendship and mutuality, as well as those of commerce andcitizenship. There are two principles of gender budget: namely 1) theassessment of budget impact on an individual as well as a householdbasis, and 2) the recognition of the economic contribution of unpaid carelabour, which is done primarily by women. We also acknowledge thatmacro-level analysis of gender budget is to be complement withmicro-level analysis of family.
- 法政大学経済学部学会の論文
- 2006-08-28
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- Gender Budget and Care : Macroeconomic Analysis from the Gender Perspective
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- 福祉国家の変容と社会的ケア : 雇用・家族・ジェンダー (特集 調和する社会の諸相)