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In late years child care support and the socialization of the child care are emphasized. However,the effect of the action is weak when society doing child care is too far and is too big and becomes stiff.It is more imminent society that is necessary for child care.In this article,we consider activity of the NPO as the leading figure of the child activity and child care support.As an example,we take up “Kure Child NPO Center YYYC (It is sketched with YYY as follows). And,by analysis of questionnaire to the member of YYY and its activity,we consider significance and a trend toward growth of YYY. The action program of YYY is based on“Convention on the Rights of the Child”and brings up the independence of the child. A characteristic of organizations of YYY is that it is an association,and a child and an adult are members.The following points mainly became clear.Primarily,activity of YYY makes a new network.Second,close human relations are made through activity.Evaluation of the member about activity and these relations is high. Third,therefore,intention to the participation of the member is strong.Last,a problem of YYY is that there are few members,and it is necessary to develop activity in civic collaboration.
- 呉大学社会情報学部の論文
- 2007-12-25
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