Three-variable reversible Gray–Scott model
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Even though the field of nonequilibrium thermodynamics has been popular and its importance has been suggested by Demirel and Sandler [J. Phys. Chem. B 108, 31 (2004)], there are only a few investigations of reaction-diffusion systems from the aspect of thermodynamics. A possible reason is that model equations are complicated and difficult to analyze because the corresponding chemical reactions need to be reversible for thermodynamical calculations. Here, we introduce a simple model for calculation of entropy production rate: a three-variable reversible Gray–Scott model. The rate of entropy production in self-replicating pattern formation is calculated, and the results are compared with those reported based on the Brusselator model in the context of biological cell division.
- American Institute of Physicsの論文
真原 仁
山口 智彦
末松 J
大金 邦成
山口 智彦
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