- 論文の詳細を見る
Two pyocine typing techniques, Darrell-Wahba's and Gillies-Govan's methods, were tested to compare their dependability using 20 strains of the indicators for both methods, 14 of our type strain for G-G method including Type 1 and 16 received from Prof. Gillies, and 174 strains isolated in 1973/74 and typed by Yamaguchi. Twenty strains of the first group were also applied as the indicator throughout this study. All typing for appropriate number of test strains were conducted in the same day, and then repeated two more times at an interval of approximately four weeks. The results of pyocine typing of three groups were shown in Tables 1-4, 5-8 and 9-12 respectively. According to the checker board experiment of 20 indicator strains, there was found no same pattern of sensitivity but a certain similarity in pyocinogeny was confirmed among them. After checking all 4,160 combinations, there were found failures of reproduction in 5.2 per cent by G-G method and 13.3 per cent by D-W method. As shown in Tables 3 and 7, the cases in which inhibition observed only in G-G method were more frequent the cases in which it was found by D-W method alone. Table 11 and 12 show that wider inhibition patterns were detected by G-G method than D-W method, when the same indicator sets were used. The frequency of unclassifiable results consisting three different inhibition patterns was lesser in the order of original G-G method, G-G method with W1-W8, D-W method with G1-G8 and modified D-W method as shown in Tables 4 and 8-10. All these findings indicate that G-G method is more reproducible and more sensitive to detect pyocines than D-W method. Also it is possible to subtype pyocine types of two methods by using some other indicator strains. Finally, six strains, G3, G4, G6, G8, W4 and W8, were selected for G-G method, and applied to the results of Table 1, 5 and 9. As shown in Table 14, fairly good typing results were obtained without maldistribution which was observed in Tables 9-12, and most of these sero-types were divided into some groups of the pyocine types. This finding suggests that there is a possibility for the use of our proposed type or sero-pyocine type as an epidemiological tool. Following are the main points of proposed pyocine typing method; the use of 1) culture of a selected la colony in nutrient broth containing 0.4 per cent KNO_3 for test strain and indicator, 2) Gillies-Govan's procedure applying six indicators mentioned above, 3) reproducible patterns based on two or three tests at an interval of one week, and 4) recording by Farmer's proposal shown in Table 13.
- 長崎大学熱帯医学研究所,Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki Universityの論文
- 1980-10-30
長崎大学熱帯医学研究所,Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki University | 論文
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