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The unfed females of Culex pipiens pallens under various natural and artificial conditions of temperatures and photoperiods were examined for the gonoactivity of the females. It was indicated that the gonoactive females which emerged as adults in September can continue to feed on animales in nature till early winter without reducing gonoactivity much under shortening photoperiod and lowering temperature. It was also shown by labortory experiments that the effect of the photoperiod on the gonoactivity is weakened at high temperatures.自然環境下及び種々の日長と温度とを組合せた実験環境条件下で,アカイエカの未吸血♀の吸血活動と濾胞の発育について調査した.その結果から次のことがわかった.9月に羽化する生殖活性の♀は,自然界の日長と気温のもとで生殖活性を低下することなくして,初冬まで吸血を続けることが出来る.実験的には,♀の生殖活性に及ぼす短日の影響は,高温下では弱められる.
- 長崎大学熱帯医学研究所,Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki Universityの論文
長崎大学熱帯医学研究所,Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki University | 論文
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