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The oral infection in mice, strain ICR, was carried out with E1 Tor vibrio, strain V86 and following results were obtained. The multiplication of vibrios, accumulation of fluid in the intestine-especially in the cecum-, diarrhea and death were observed only in the suckling mice younger than about 10 days old. And the multiplication of vibrios in upper part of the small intestine was observed to be less than that in lower part of the small intestine. In 15-day-old mice, only slight multiplication of vibrios without death was observed, however in 30-day-old mice, viable organisms of the challenged vibrios could not be isolated from intestinal samples even at 3 hours and within 3 days after challenge.マウス(ICR株)を用いてェルトール菌(V86株)による感染実験を行い,次のような結果を得た.生後10日以下の乳のみマウスにおいてのみ,感染菌の増殖,腸管内特に盲腸に液体の貯溜がみられ,また下痢や死亡がみられた.腸管内における感染菌の増殖は小腸上部と下部では,下部に著明である結果を得た.生後15日マウスでは感染菌の増殖が著明でなく,死亡はみらわなかった.生後30日マウスでは,感染菌は感染後3時間ですでにみられず,その後も菌増殖はみとめられなかった.
- 長崎大学熱帯医学研究所,Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki Universityの論文
長崎大学熱帯医学研究所,Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki University | 論文
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