鶏マラリアPlasmodium gallinaceumの発育鶏卵培養に於ける赤外型の出現について
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Plasmodium gallinaceumの鶏卵培養を6つの接種方法で試みた。接種材料は次の通りである。(A)卵血管内接種によって継代維持された赤血球型を含む血液.赤外型を含むひなどりの脳(厳密には赤血球型をも含む)の漿尿膜上接種によって得られた(B)赤外型感染臓器(ときに赤血球型をも含む)及び(C)感染血液.各接種材料をそれぞれ卵血管内及び漿尿膜上に接種した.原則として卵血管内接種法では10-12日卵を用い7日後に開卵し,漿尿膜上接種法では7-9日卵を用い10日後に開卵し,とくに赤外型の増殖の態様について検討した.結果: (1)赤外型の増殖は赤外型を含む臓器(ときに赤血球型をも含む)の漿尿膜上接種法で著明であった.(2)漿尿膜上に接種された赤外型は漿尿膜血管を介して各種臓器に運ばれそこでまず赤外型として増殖し,次いで赤血球型を生ずるものと考えられた.(3)赤外型を含む臓器(ときに赤血球型をも含む)の漿尿膜上接種によって感染した発育鶏卵はときに軽度の赤血球原虫感染を呈したが,その血液は更に赤外型をも含む可能性が示唆された.Six inoculation methods were attempted on the culture of Plasmodium gallinaceum in developing chick embryos. Materials used as inocula were: (A) the parasitized blood from embryos in blood-induced infection; (B) the infected organs and (C) the parasitized blood, both taken from embryos inoculated with chick brain containing the exoerythrocytic forms and possibly few, if any, erythrocytic forms by the suprachorioallantoic implantation. Each material was inoculated into embryos by the intravascular injection or the suprachorioallantoic implantation. The inouclated embryos were examined for growth of the parasite , especially of the exoerythrocytic forms, on the 7th or 10th day of incubation. (1) Numerous exoerythrocytic forms developed most frequently in embryos inoculated with the embryonic organs (material B) containing the exoerythrocytic forms and possibly the erythrocytic forms as well by the suprachorioallantoic implantation. On the other hand, marked parasitemia commonly resulted from the intravascular injection of the parasitized blood (material A) from embryos in blood-induced infection. (2) The exoerythrocytic forms inoculated on the chorioallantoic membrane seemed to have been introduced via chorioallantoic vessels into various organs, where they would first develop as the exoerythrocytic forms and then produce the erytrocytic forms. (3) It was suggested that the parasitized blood (material C), in addition to the erythrocytic forms, contained some exoerythrocytic forms in it.
- 長崎大学熱帯医学研究所,Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki Universityの論文
- 1977-03-30
長崎大学熱帯医学研究所,Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki University | 論文
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