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A field survey was undertaken on the malaria parasite rate and the spleen rate in some rural areas of the Philippines during the period from November, 1969, till March, 1971. The subject areas were Wawa, north from Manila; Sonlon, north from Davao; and Maruyogon, Mainit, Quezon and the Iwahig Penal Colony in Palawan Island. Persons subjected to the survey were residents, prisoners (colonists) in the penal colony and in some areas, primary school children. The spleen rate was examined by manual palpation in children under 12 years. Results obtained were summarized as follows: 1) The parasite rate was 2.5% (8/320) at Wawa, 0.5% (1/217) at Sonlon, 4.0% (16/401) at Maruyogon, 15.4% (10/65) at Mainit, 26.7% (8/30) in the native tribe and 5.7% (2/35) in settlers, and 7.1% (21/181) in school children at Quezon. 2) The spleen rate was 4.0% (7/177) at Maruyogon, 40.9% (18/44) at Mainit and 15.2% (34/224) at Quezon. 3) In the Iwahig Penal Colony, colonists in the Montible and Central Subcolonies were employed for the parasite examination. The parasite rate in the Montible was 12.1%(62/521). A significant difference in parasite rate was shown between the central district (6.7%) and the outskirts (16.3%) of the Montible Subcolony. Newcomers into the Orientation Unit of the Montible demonstrated 13.6% (9/66) in parasite detection and this fact would imply the high frequency of a new infection to colonists during the stay of the first 6 months. At the Mangahan (Agronomy) Unit of the Central Subcolony, 10.7%(3/28) in parasite rate was obtained. 4) The parasite species and the proportion observed in this survey were; P. falciparum 84.8%, P. vivax 13.9%, and P. malariae 1.2%.1969年11月より1971年3月の間に,フィリピンの農山村地域で,マラリア原虫率および脾腫率の野外調査を実施した.対象地はマニラ北方約60Kmのワワ,ミンダナオ島ダヴァオ北東約110Kmのソンロン,およびパラワン島のマルヨゴン,マイニット,ケソンおよびイワヒグ囚人部落で,対象人は一般住民,囚人部落では収容中の徒刑囚,またある地域では学童であった.脾腫率は12才以下の小人を対象に触診によって検査した.得られた成績を総括すると次の如くであった.1)原虫率は,ワワ2.5%(8/320),ソンロン0.5%(1/217),マルヨゴン4.0%(16/401),マイニット15.4%(10/65),たゞし,この地域の原住部族民では26.7%(8/30),移住者5.7%(2/35),ケソン中央小学校児童7.1%(21/181)であった.2)脾腫率は,マルヨゴン4.0%(7/177),マイニット40.9%(18/44),ケソン15.2%(34/224)の結果を得た.3)イワヒグ囚人部落ではモンテブレおよびセントラルの両サブコロニーの囚人を対象とした.モンテブレサブコロニーでは,12.1%(63/521)の原虫率をえたが,このサブコロニーの中央地区居住者の原虫率,6.7%と周辺地区居住者のそれ,16.3%との間には,明らかに有意差が認められた.同サブコロニーのオリエンテイション分団への新入囚人では,原虫検出率が13.6%(9/66)であった.この事は新入者の初期6ケ月間の滞在期間中におけるマラリア感染の頻度を物語るものと思われた.セントラルサブコロニーのマンガハン(耕作)分団での原虫率は10.7%(3/28)であった.4)検出した原虫種は,熱帯熱原虫がもっとも多く84.8%,三日熱原虫は13.9%,四日熱原虫は1.2%であった.
- 長崎大学熱帯医学研究所,Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki Universityの論文
長崎大学熱帯医学研究所,Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki University | 論文
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