Brugia pahangi各発育期虫体に対するマウス抵抗性の雄,雌間における比較
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Brugia pahangi各発育期虫体に対するマウス感染感受性の性差について調べた.各期虫体すなわち,感染幼虫(L3),第4期幼虫(L4),成虫をそれぞれ12週令以上の正常BALB/cマウス腹腔に移入した.移入後15日目にその回収率を雄・雌マウス間で比較すると,宿主抵抗性の性差はL3を移入したマウスにのみ認められた.成虫を移入したマウス腹腔内ではミクロフィラリア(mf)の産生が認められたが,雄・雌マウス間において産生数の差はみられなかった.また静脈内に移入したmfの排除の率や期間にも同様に性差はみられなかった.Sex differences in susceptibilities of mice to various stages of Brugia pahangi worms inoculated were examined. Infective larvae (L3), the fourth-stage larvae (L4) and adult worms were intraperitoneally inoculated into naive BALB/c mice aged over 12 weeks. When the recovery rates of stages of worms were compared at 15 days post-inoculation between male and female mice, sex difference in the resistant capacity was induced only by L3 but not others. Microfilariae (mf) were reproduced from inoculated adult worms in the peritoneal cavities of both sexes of mice. There was no difference in the mf count between the sexes. Intravenous inoculation of mf into mice also showed no sex difference in the rate and period of clearance.
- 長崎大学熱帯医学研究所,Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki Universityの論文
- 1988-12-28