暑熱順化の形成過程に関する研究 : サーモグラフィ装置によるヒト発汗部皮膚温測定
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A new thermograph (Thermoviewer), an equipment available for the determination of body surface temperature in the studies on thermal adaptation was delivered in the Institute for Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki University in 1982. The principle and developmental process of thermography and its application to medical research field were theoretically and experimentally explained in this paper. In an environmental control chamber (room temperature: 28℃, and its humidity: 60%), for testing the performance of the thermograph, the experiments on the measurements of sweating skin temperatures were carried out on ten healthy subjects. In order to induce thermal sweating, all subjects naked to the waist were submitted to heat stress for immersing their lower extremities into a hot water bath of its temperature at 43-44℃. Then, "Hemihidrotic phenomenon", that is the inhibition of thermal sweating in human subject as a consequence of postural changes as well as of pressure stimulus was elicited by mechanical pressure (3kg/20c㎡) applied to a portion of the lateral chest skin. The time courses of the changes in sweating skin temperatures during reflex inhibition of thermal sweating were measured with the use of the thermograph. Further, the central mechanisms of skin pressure reflex as well as of habituation of sweating observed in the process of heat adaptation were discussed from a view of current investigations concerned with temperature regulation.
- 1983-03-30
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