Studies on Histological Grading of Malignancy of Carcinoma of The Uterine Cervix
- 論文の詳細を見る
Prognosis of carcinoma is variable and can not be predected from the initial clinical finding. In some cases it recovers permanently while in others it has recurrence, although the clinical findings themselves are quite the same at the beginning of the treatment. In some cases it prognosis rapidly to death in a very short period of time while in others it takes rather a mild course. Thus it is likely that there is a difference in degree of malignancy of carcinoma of the cervix. Regarding the histological grading of malignancy of cervical carcinoma much has been written up to the present, but it is not clear whether or not this grading will correspond with clinical prognosis. Under such circumstances it is note worthy that professor IMAI of the Department of Patholology, University of Kyushu, suggested a new classification of carcinoma in 1949. The present paper deals with the results of the studies on malignancy of carcinoma of the cevix carried out on the basis of that classifcation.
- Nagasaki University School of Medicineの論文
- 1961-09-25
- 72. 断端癌の臨床的観察 (昭和45年臨床大会講演要旨)
- 68. 悪性卵巣腫瘍5年治癒例の検討 (昭和45年臨床大会講演要旨)
- 127. 子宮頚癌の旁結合織蔓延と予後 (II 一般演題 第3群 悪性腫瘍)
- 13. 絨毛性腫瘍の肺転移についての検討 (1 主題群 第2群 絨毛性腫瘍の遠隔転移(特に肺)の分析)
- 3. 頚管妊娠、とくに保存手術について
- 78. 破壊奇胎の悪性度
- 109. 子宮頚癌晩期再発の検討
- 179. 胞状奇胎の術後管理に関する研究(特に基礎体温測定による観察について)
- 交見要旨
- 99. 子宮頚癌周辺の上皮異常について