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長崎県において,つつが虫痛が発生している平島(283名)と発生していない江ノ島(270名)の住民を対象として,リケッチア・ツツガムシ感染症に関する血清疫学的研究を行った.IgG抗体は抗原としてギリアム株を用い,酵素抗体法により測定した.全住民に対する抗体陽性率は平島(33.2%)が江ノ島(22.6%)より高値であったが,抗体レベルは平島(1.65±0.47)より江ノ島(1.88±0.47)で高値であった.年齢別抗体の陽性率とレベルの比較では,平島では19才以下が40才以上より高値であったが,江ノ島では差異を見い出し得なかった.これらの成績は平島では年齢による感染時期の差,つまり若年者が比較的最近感染し,江ノ島では全住民が同じ時期に感染していること,更に,つつが虫病患者が発生していない江ノ島においても弱毒性リケッチア・ツツガムシが存在していることを示唆した.Serum specimens from 283 and 270 apparent healthy inhabitants aged from 6 to 79 years residing in Hirashima Island and in Enoshima Island of Nagasaki Prefecture, respectively, were examined to measure specific IgG antibody to Rickettsia tsutsugamushi by ELISA. It was found that the overall positive rate of R. tsutsugamushi infection was higher in Hirashima Island (33.2%) than in Enoshima Island (22.6%). While, antibody level of R. tsutsugamushi was higher in Enoshima Island (1.88±0.47) than in Hirashima Island (1.65±0.47). These differences were statistically significant. In Hirashima Island, the positive rate and the antibody level of R. tsutsugamushi at 19 years and younger were significantly higher than those at 40 years and older, while the positive rate and the antibody level at different age groups in Enoshima Island were not different. Furthermore, apparent R. tsutsugamushi infection was detected in only Hiroshima Island. It was indicated that in Hirashima Island inhabitants below 19 years had more recent infection than 40 years and older and in Enoshima Island all inhabitants had infection at the same period, and virulent strain of R. tsutsugamushi existed in only Hirashima Island.
- 長崎大学熱帯医学研究所,Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki Universityの論文
- 1988-06-30
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