幼児のムーブメントスキル発達における経年比較 : Movement Skills Test Battery を用いた評価を通して
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In Japan, physical strength and movement skills keep decreasing in children for 15 years or more since 1985. The change in the society and the lifestyle are thought as the following. It is especially one of the causes that the opportunity of physical activity decrease, and the disorder of the lifestyle are important. The purpose of this study is investigated that what kind of change effect on the body of children through the evaluation of movement skills. Then, the results of the survey of movement skills of 17 years ago were compared with the present study and the movement skills measured by using MSTB. As a result in 2007, only a record of "the position conversion of the body" was improved against the 1990s'. The score of the balance in particular dropped remarkably. The result means that the ability of the gross improves, however, motor coordination, agility, and dynamic bodily ability decreased. In addition, there was a difference in personal ability in the 2007 compared with 1990s' in this study.
- 広島大学大学院教育学研究科の論文
- 2007-12-28
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