Clinical Significance of Liver Cell Dysplasia in Chronic Liver Diseases
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The cerebral pathological findings obtained in 4 cases of total aphasia have been presented. Of these, Case 1 is considered to have a lesion in the right anterior cerebral artery area, which gave rise to severe total aphasia alone without such concurrent manifestations as agnosia, apraxia, diaturbance of intelligence or neurological symptoms or signs, Cerebrovascular disturbance of syphilitic originm especially a lesion in the frontal lobes was suspected in Case 2, where aphasia concurred with aprazia. In Case 3 with a previous history of injury to the head, there was Wallenberg's syndrome with evidence suggestive of aneurysma at the origin of the right anterior cerebral artery. This case, in which aphasic symptoms were outstanding, is of interest in view of the relationship between language disturbances and the nuslei in the brain stem. Case 4, right-handed patient with aphasia due to a lesion in the right median verebral artery, is also of signilicance in dealing with the problem of predminance of cerebral function.
- Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicineの論文
Kodama T
Yamaguchi Prefectural Hospital
TAKENAMI Toshihiko
Tokuyama Hospital
Kodama Tadashi
Third Department Of Internal Medicine Kyoto Prefectural University Of Medicine
Fukumoto Yohei
First Department Of Internal Medicine Yamaguchi University School Of Medicine
Fukumoto Yohei
Department Of Total Care Unit Yamaguchi Uiversity School Of Medicine
Takemoto T
Yamaguchi Univ.
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