沖合天然礁漁場における生物多様性 : 萩市見島沖八里ヶ瀬漁場の保全・管理の取り組み
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For a sustainable use of the fisheries resources, it is important not only to investigate the dynamics of the fish stocks but also the ecological integrity and health of the habitat from the point of view of the biodiversity. Here, we introduced an example of conservation and management of fish stocks in natural reefs conducted in the Hachri-ga-se reefs, a good fishing ground off Mi-shima Isand in Hagi, Japan. The reefs here are located on the continental shelf, where they contribute significantly to the productivity of the coastal ecosystem enhancing the supply of prey and providing resting grounds for several fish populations. The mayor of Hagi City initiated the project for the management of the resources in the reefs in 1999 with fishermen, scientists and local governments. This project was a succeeded example of the bottom-up control of resource management in offshore reefs by a citizens' leadership. It demonstrates that the key of success is a strong communication and collaboration among policy makers, scientists, fishermen and the general public that fosters mutual understanding and recognition of shared interests.
- 2014-02-15
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- 沖合天然礁漁場における生物多様性 : 萩市見島沖八里ヶ瀬漁場の保全・管理の取り組み
- 計量魚群探知機を用いた調査時に海底起伏により生じる音響ブラインドゾーン上方境界の決定