少年期スポーツにおけるクラブと学校運動部の関係性に関する社会学的研究 : Jユースクラブと高校サッカー部の意識形成の比較より
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This study examines the relationship between extracurricular activities in school and a youth sports club. In an interview-based investigation, a high school coach expressed strong concern for the educational function of the school-based extracurricular activities. The J youth club also expressed consciousness of an educational function. In questionnaire responses, the J youth club players had high consciousness level for school-based extracurricular activities in three areas: acquisition of social skills, acquisition of attitudes and capabilities related to the government guidelines for teaching. The J youth club seems to be evolving towards broader outcomes supporting the educational function, such as learning developmental and social skills. In contrast, school-based extracurricular activities are evolving towards `game-oriented' activities leading to abandonment and decline of the educational function. Thuse a reversal of roles between sports clubs and school-based extra curricular activities has begun.
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- 少年期スポーツにおけるクラブと学校運動部の関係性に関する社会学的研究 : Jユースクラブと高校サッカー部の意識形成の比較より