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Global warming has caused environmental problems all over the world; it is an exigence to reduce greenhousegas emission to stop global warming, and at the Conference of the Parties of United Nations Framework Conventionon Climate Change its reduction was discussed. But the agreement of its reduction hasn't been effective so far,because the reduction of the gas requires much more investment and more environmental constraints on economicactivities. Nevertheless, Mr. HATOYAMA Yukio, the prime minister of Japan at that time, promised to try and cut25 percent of the greenhouse gas emission level in 1990 by 2020, and this bill is expected to pass in the Diet.While the greenhouse gas emission in business sector has already been reduced to almost the same level as 1990,that in public sector has been increased by 2.5 times, which means public sector still has to find some way to reducegreenhouse gas emission.! A school, being in a public sector, can have some action for the reduction with aneducational effect to students.This paper presents our greenhouse gas reduction program and the problems we are facing now.
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