G200012 風車立地事前評価のための日影シミュレーションソフトの開発([G20001]技術と社会部門一般セッション)
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This paper deals with a solution for eliminating environment problems in wind power utilization. The authors focused into an issue that is related to shadow casting and shadow flicker of wind turbines. One of approaches to that is to develop a computer program for simulating shadows on the ground generated from a wind turbine's tower and blades by sunlight. By inputting data of the time and location and the characteristic size and dimensions for the wind turbine, the shadows of tower and blades can be simulated on a computer monitor after calculations according to the optical theory based on relations among sun, turbine, and ground. The size and shape of the simulated shadow agreed to that of the real shadows. As a summary, the program developed is available to do a prior simulation of the shadow casting and flickering caused by wind turbines for faultless and accountable wind power development.
- 2011-09-11
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