Disaster Management and JIT of Automobile Supply Chain
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The 2011 Tohoku Earthquake was huge damage to Japan, especially, along the coasts ofMiyagi, Iwate, and Fukushima. There was catastrophic damage by tsunami created by thisearthquake. Japan frequently has been affected by strong earthquake before Tohoku Earthquake.Much has been emphasized about the impacts of human and physical visible damages sincedisasters struck and there are a lot of studies about disaster in terms of seismology, meteorology,geology, structural mechanics, etc. But, the invisible damages, such as supply chain network,production system has been obstructed, not revealed. In spite of our experiences in huge disasters,we havenʼt tried to unveil these invisible damages. In fact, the automobile industries also suffereda great loss due to this disaster. Supplies of assemblies/products from Japan had stopped, andinterrupted other production activities in the world.In order to unveil invisible damages, this paper describes the affects to the supply chainnetwork, production system in Japanese automobile manufacturers by two disasters - the 2011Tohoku Earthquake and the 2007 Niigata Chuetsu-offshore Earthquake-. In addition, to unveilfundamental issues of their damages, there are the research questions; "Why did automobilemanufacturers immediately decide all assembly plantsʼ shutdown", "Whatʼs the difference of theimpacts by disaster and depression" and, "Is the limitation of the JIT really exists, or not".
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- Disaster Management and JIT of Automobile Supply Chain
- Disaster Management and JIT of Automobile Supply Chain