A13 固液系超音波・マイクロ波反応場を利用した白金ナノ粒子の合成と応用(口頭発表)
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Ecology and Economy synthesis is important in the future. There are some elements to achieve this synthesis. One is a production device. A cheap device is hoped for in not an expensive, special device but the general purpose. The second is a raw material. When synthesizing, neither waste nor the air pollutant are not generated, and it is safe and nontoxic raw material is preferable. The third is a synthetic temperature. Low temperature synthesis as much as possible is suitable from the viewpoint of energy conservation. Sustainable processing for Platinum nanoparticles were developed by novel ultrasonic and microwave liquid-solid reaction. We used Platinum oxide as metallic source and water based solvent in this system. This system can be synthesized 2-3nm Platinum nanoparticle in short time and non-waste, so low-pricing of Platinum nanoparticle is realizable. By using water-ethanol mixed solvent, it can obtain dispersant-free Platinum nanoparticles suitable for catalyst, etc. In this study, fabricated conditions were examined in detail, reaction mechanisms and morphology of products were investigated.
- 2013-10-25
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- A13 固液系超音波・マイクロ波反応場を利用した白金ナノ粒子の合成と応用(口頭発表)