- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this paper is to clarify the formation processes of grassland in dairy farming in post-war cultivated high-land dynamically, paying attention to decision-making by the leader of farmers, based on the case study in 0 village, Seiyo city Ehime prefecture. To achieve above-mentioned purpose, firstly, I grasped social and economic trend in 0 village before the war, and clarified the factors which affect the formation of grassland after the war. Secondly, I divided the formation processes of grassland after the war into four periods;(1)the period of trial crops (1946 -58),(2) the early years of introduction of dairy farming (1959-69), (3) the period of enlargement of grassland (1970-82), (4) the period of completion of grassland infrastructure(after 1983),and clarified the characteristic of grassland utilization in each period. Now, in 0 village ,high rate of self-sufficiency in fodder is realized by many-sided utilization of the three types of grasslands ( grassland owned by individual farmer, grassland owned by village, grassland cultivated by government). And the stable grassland infrastructure in 0 village have been formed by the geographical and historical conditions peculiar to high-land, the various political supports after the war, and the ability of leaders who accept the political supports positively and enlighten farmers.
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