A19 キャビテーション処理されたグルコース水溶液の近赤外分光測定からの濃度回帰(口頭発表)
- 論文の詳細を見る
The cavitation on distilled water revealed the high-frequency shift of a resonant like behavior over its electric reactance. This suggests the existence of the reactron around the frequency of several hundred or thousand Hz. To measure the concentration of glucose solutions, it was cavitated. The processed solutions were detected with NIR. spectroscopic device over the passing time after the cavitation. The results were analyzed with the principal component analysis. It showed that their components had different arrival times to the stable state, depending on the glucose concentration. These facts were utilized in the regression of the concentration of dilute glucose solution through the PLS regression method.
- 日本ソノケミストリー学会の論文
- 2008-12-05
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- 全光学型非線形光導波路の最近の進歩
- A19 キャビテーション処理されたグルコース水溶液の近赤外分光測定からの濃度回帰(口頭発表)
- 9 超音波照射による生体軟組織の振動応答(一般講演)