9 超音波照射による生体軟組織の振動応答(一般講演)
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This paper reports the mechanical effect produced in the pig's thigh meat and human finger by the ultrasonic insonation. When the pig's thigh meat is compressed by an increasing weight and vice versa, ultrasound insonation yielded the strain wave with the differently depressed waveform with respect to the positive and negative amplitudes. This suggested the non-reversible deformation and the stress-strain hysteresis. This phenomenon is analogous to the parasitic oscillation in the metal plate with micro-cracks. In case of intense sound insonation, the sample showed the existence of spike-like stress. This effect was computed with the RPNNP equation for a single bubble motion. The result coincided with the experimental event and manifested that the repulsive force via the liquid from the bubble approached the 10 M Pa for the incident sound with a pressure amplitude of 100 k Pa.
- 日本ソノケミストリー学会の論文
- 2004-11-11
- 住宅外装材設計支援のための高精度3次元計測・編集システム
- P3-J-42 血糖値測定用ランジュバン振動子の駆動電流に対する音波スペクトルと生体への影響(医用超音波,ポスターセッション3(概要講演))
- 全光学型非線形光導波路の最近の進歩
- A19 キャビテーション処理されたグルコース水溶液の近赤外分光測定からの濃度回帰(口頭発表)
- 9 超音波照射による生体軟組織の振動応答(一般講演)