構造物の地震時挙動と入力動の推定に関する研究 : 構造物の振動特性の同定に基づく推定手法の検討
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It is necessary for the future aseismic design of buildings to simulate the seismic response of buildings damaged by big earthquakes and to evaluate the input motions into those buildings. In this paper, the identification for dynamic characteristics of existing buildings in the frequency domain by use of Genetic Algorithm(GA) is done to evaluate the input motions and the seismic response of buildings. GA is recently applied to some optimum design problems frequently. In our numerical example, two analytical models are used. The identification problem is supposed to be one of the optimization problems. Design variables are damping factor, shear stiffness and ground dynamic characteristics. And an objective function is an error of the system function calculated from between true values and identified ones. With identified values by GA, some system functions for the evaluation of input motions and the seismic response of buildings are calculated. It is indicated that this identification method is efficient for the evaluation of input motions and the seismic response of buildings.
- 一般社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 1996-03-20
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