2 イギリスにおけるホームレス問題と「野宿者」(Rough Sleepers)対策(テーマ別分科会1=ヨーロッパにおけるホームレス問題への挑戦,II テーマ別分科会=報告論文と座長報告)
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The homeless problem in Britain has been tackled as a big social problem since 1970's. The legal grounds of homeless measures in Britain have been established by the Housing Act (1977). Since the later half of 80's, rough sleepers, which were a one form of single homeless which was apt to be left out of priority need as prescribed by Housing Act, became a social problem. Special measures for rough sleepers have been executed. The Labour government established the Social Exclusion Unit in 1997, and this unit considered rough sleepers as part of the tip of social exclusion. And Labour established the Rough Sleepers Unit to solve this problem in 1999. The target of this Unit is to reduce rough sleepers by at least two thirds by March 2002. This unit has carried out a strategy to help rough sleepers. The aim of this paper is to introduce the present conditions of rough sleepers which are a type of single homeless and a strategy of central government for rough sleepers. Firstly, I examine the definition of homeless in the Housing Act and statutory homeless. Secondly, I consider the single homeless problem and a strategy of the Rough Sleepers Unit. Thirdly, I mention the outline of social security system, e.g. income support, in order to understand a strategy for homeless people.
- 社会政策学会の論文
- 2002-09-30
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- 2 イギリスにおけるホームレス問題と「野宿者」(Rough Sleepers)対策(テーマ別分科会1=ヨーロッパにおけるホームレス問題への挑戦,II テーマ別分科会=報告論文と座長報告)