3 職業生活への移行支援と福祉(I 共通論題=社会政策における福祉と就労)
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The transition from school to work is a process of evolving from dependence as a student to economic independence from the parents' household. It can be consider one of most important events of a young person's journey to adulthood. Until recently, Japan was widely considered to have an effective system for the smoothentry into the workplace of recent graduates. Schools systematically supported students' job-hunting activities. Corporations evaluated the long-term potential of students and developed their skills in a range of areas after employing them. Since the 1990s, however, young people have experienced much more difficulty obtaining stable jobs. In response, the Japanese government began to respond clearer to say what the government actually did to the problem of youth unemployment in 2003. The first aim of this paper is to examine Japan's youth employment policy over the course of the school to work transition. The second is to consider future areas of research comparison Japan's efforts with youth policy in Britain. The following two findings were elucidated from statistical analysis: The percentage of young people able to transition to work under the new graduate employment system has fallen to 60 percent in case of the age cohort who was born in 1981-82. People with low levels of education, including school leavers, tend to become atypical employees when they are able to get jobs. They also become unemployed easily or do not participate in the labor market. Analysis of the Japanese government's youth policy uncovered the following two points: Young people's occupational consciousness, the demands of a changing labor market, and the unchanged process of transitioning from school to work are perceived as problems. The government's youth policy requires cross-ministry cooperation in light of the need for a multi-dimensional approach. This paper offers three recommendations: The first is to develop a system that consistently supports students with their efforts to develop a stable career starting while they are still in school. The second is to develop new paths to acquiring occupational skills and employability in addition to the traditional system of hiring new graduates. The third is to more closely relate employment policies to welfare policies. By this we mean to encourage policies that promote the social participation of people with low employability and that make higher education easier to obtain regardless of parental income levels.
- 社会政策学会の論文
- 2006-09-30
- どうする?若者の雇用 : 雇用環境の変化と政策的支援 : 京都産業大学法学部法政策学科開設記念シンポジウム・パートIII
- 需給両面の変化に対する大学のキャリア形成支援の課題
- 時を斬る フリーター・ニート問題の背景と対応
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- 労働の変貌:若者の非典型雇用と個人主義(「個人化」と社会の変容)
- 3. 中小企業労働者の職業能力形成における学校教育の役割の検討(V-9部会 【一般部会】経済と社会,研究発表V,一般研究報告)
- 3 職業生活への移行支援と福祉(I 共通論題=社会政策における福祉と就労)