4 若年貧困と社会保障の課題 : 移行期の長期化と二極化(I 共通論題=若者-長期化する移行期と社会政策)
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The transition process from adolescence to adulthood has extended and "post-adolescence" (transition period) has appeared. There is increasing polarization in occupations and earnings. Young people require social support in order to become independent. For this purpose, the social security system has to be reformed. First and foremost, the necessity and possibility of being dependent on parents should be reduced. Social income support for the youth should be increased. The rights-and-duties aspect of the social security system should be framed regardless of considerations such as parents' income and property, living independently should be made possible, and the formation of a new family should be supported. Second, despite the instability of employment and earnings, the occupational capability and career formation of the youth should be enabled. High school education and occupational training in vocational schools should be publicly supported. Third, we should understand the condition of the unemployed and poverty stricken members of the younger generation who are unable to acquire a stable occupation. It is important that both the labor market policy and the public assistance system support the youth. It is important to maximize the range covering the social insurance system and the public assistance system in order to support the independence of the youth. The following reforms are required in order to enable the social insurance system to cover the youth: (1) In the case of marginal employment under the employees' health insurance and pension insurance subscription duty, an employee is exempt from insurance, but an employer should owe the obligation to pay insurance contribution. (2) The requirements for subscription duty of unemployment insurance should be changed to "20 hours or more per week." In order for the public assistance system to support young people, the following three reforms are necessary: (1) The supplementary aspect of a public assistance system should be modernized. The limit for possession of property (cash, savings, and car) should be revised upward. The requirements for duty to work must be fitted with the actual condition of the labor market. The support system provided by the relatives should be viewed in terms of the modified family relation. (2) Even when the youth lives with their parents, a welfare office should calculate their income and living expenses in terms of individual household. (3) New programs supporting independence must be introduced. A synthetic assistance system should be created. The overall reformation of the social security system should be based on these principles.
- 社会政策学会の論文
- 2005-03-31
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- 4 若年貧困と社会保障の課題 : 移行期の長期化と二極化(I 共通論題=若者-長期化する移行期と社会政策)