アルキメデス「方法」命題11証明の復元の試み : 鈍角円錐状体の切片の体積について
- 論文の詳細を見る
In 1906, I. L. Heiberg found "The Method of Mechanical Theorems, for Eratosthenes", Achimedes wrote for Eratosthenes in some letter. Hereafter, I refer to the "Method of Mechanical Theorems" as " Method". "Method", which had been thought to be lost, appeared in palimpsest written from 10th century to 12th century. Archimedes indicates his idea for calculation of the volume and the center of gravity of the many kinds of solids in this " Method". From this point of view, the "Method" is very precious. In other propositions concerning the calculated volumes, I would like to consider the mechanism of "Method", chiefly from the point of disk-balance. I tried reconstructing to the proof of Proposition 11 the volume of any segment of the amblyconoid), had not indicated proof in this " Method".
- 日本科学史学会の論文
- 1993-06-25
- 続・アルキメデス『方法』命題11証明の復元についてー鈍角円錐状体の切片の重心の位置に関する証明ー
- アルキメデス 「方法」 命題 11証明の復元の試み - 鈍角円錐状体の切片の体積について -
- 続・アルキメデス『方法』命題11証明の復元について : 鈍角円錐状体の切片の重心の位置に関する証明
- アルキメデス「方法」命題11証明の復元の試み : 鈍角円錐状体の切片の体積について