308 フラフープを用いた制振 : 制振効果と平面運動の制振
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This paper deals with the problem of vibration quenching using a Hula-Hoop. Vibration control effect and vibration control of plane motion were researched, and following was made clear from the numerical analysis: (1) The larger the unbalance is, the larger the vibration quenching effect using Hula-Hoop becomes. (2) The device using Hula-Hoop is effective in the region exceeding the second resonant frequency. (3) This device is not effective in the frequency region lower than the first resonant frequency and that between the two resonant frequencies. (4) When the parametric excitation relation between Hula-Hoop and the main system exists, the region where one period unstable solutions exist becomes large and two period stable solutions exist in the region. (5) The lower bound of Hula-Hoop rotation needed for vibration quenching is lower in the case that parametric excitation relation exists than in the case that such relation does not exist. (6) Various kinds of vibrations are obtained in the region near the resonance point of vertical vibration.
- 2011-09-05
- 129 制振発電装置の研究 : 有限動力源の場合
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