130 カーブ路正面衝突に対する衝突被害軽減ブレーキ(CMB)の効果 : レーダ方向補正の影響
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Collision Mitigation Brake (CMB) is a part of Pre-Crash Safety System that can recognize the possibility of collision and assist brake operation to reduce the impact or mitigate damage to the driver and passengers during vehicle collisions. In this study, the effects of CMB in head-on collision on curved road are investigated and the influences of the correction in radar direction are studied. A vehicle dynamic simulation model was constructed and simulation was carried out with different velocity, curve radius, Time-to-Collision (TTC) and steering angle. In addition, differences of collision speed reduction between vehicle with correction in radar direction and vehicle without correction in radar direction were evaluated.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2011-09-05
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- 167 カーブ路正面衝突におけるプリクラッシュブレーキの効果 : 数値シミュレーションによる衝突速度低減量の評価(GS 制御理論)
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- 130 カーブ路正面衝突に対する衝突被害軽減ブレーキ(CMB)の効果 : レーダ方向補正の影響(ビークルの安定化制御,OS-16 運動と振動の制御,総合テーマ:「部門創設25周年、新たなる躍動」)
- 130 カーブ路正面衝突に対する衝突被害軽減ブレーキ(CMB)の効果 : レーダ方向補正の影響