- 論文の詳細を見る
The aim of this paper as a second literatur review is to discuss the theoretical problem, especially central categories and subjects of the independent applied training science(Trainingslehre - Trainingswissenschaft) in the GDR. Sport training is connected to objectives that are related to the development of sport performance capacity or to the presentation of sport performance, especially in athletic competition. Chapter 1 "Subject and Tasks of Training Science" in the textbook "Trainingslehre-Trainingswissenschaft"(2011)discusses central categories of training science. Training action is always purpose-oriented and relates to primary goals, which are accepted as values. The following primary goals for sport training can be differentiated : 1. Completion of performance and achievement of success in sport competions, which are considered valuable by individuals or society groups. 2. Continued improvement or preferably long-term maintenance of a sport performance state, which is oriented toward norms that are individually set or predetermined by society. With respect to action oriented toward the primary goals mentioned above, sport training, its related quantity, sport performance and the presentation of sport performance in athletic competion, are regarded as central categories of training science. Training science is defined as that subdiscipline of sport science which analyzes sport training, performance and competion from an interdisciplinary point of view and tests systems of action rules. System of action rules can refer to sport training in general, be in relation to distinct action fields, such as competitive sport, school sport, health sport. The following tasks for training science emerge from the subject description and from the needs of training practice : 1. Commitment to an unambiguous, uncontradicted, and extensive system of concepts, in particular specification of central categories for sport training, sport performance, and sport competitions, and delimitation of different action fields of training and performance presentation. 2. Collection, organization, and assessment of knowledge from basic science and experiences from training and competition practice. 3. Analysis of the training and competition undertaken with the aim of establishing laws regarding performance development and training effects. 4. Prognosis of performance developments and derivation of complex demand profiles for top-level performances and for different periods of performance development 5. Derivation and empirical validation of rules, principles, and theories for sport training in general, for different action fields and for various types of training 6. Description and analysis of individual differences and peculiarities and detection of regularities of individual action in extreme areas of performance 7. Further development of scientific training methodology 8. Testing of new action concepts with cooperation between science und training practice.
- 2013-03-15
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