- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of the present experiment was to investigate the relationship between coping behavior and state anxiety level under the warning signal condition. All subjects were assigned into three groups. Easy coping group and difficult coping group were assured the shock avoidance if the subjects could push the relief key within 3 sec and 0.3 sec respectively after the warning signal was presented. No coping group had no available strategy to avoid the shock. Heart rate data during the anticipatory phases were used to assess the state anxiety level. The main findings were as follows. 1. In the anticipatory phase I, no significant differences were found among three groups. 2. But, in the anticipatory phase II, difficult coping group experienced higher state anxiety than the other groups.
- 日本行動療法学会の論文
- 1982-09-30
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- 行動障害児の教育心理学的アプローチ(シンポジウムIII,シンポジウム)
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- 不安と抑うつにおける認知バイアスに関する研究(展望)