クィーンズランドの日本人砂糖黍年季契約労働者のイメージ : 1889年から1893年を中心として(<特集>ジャパニーズ・イン・オーストラリア-「記憶」<過去と現在の交錯点>-)
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This article discusses sugarcane plantations in Queensland and images of the Japanese indentured labourers who worked them from 1889 to the early 1890s. Stories of Japanese on Queensland's sugarcane plantations in the late 19th century are barely available to the Japanese public these days. However, images of the times survive in the minds of some modern Australians as an early Japanese invasion of Queensland or an ominous precursor to the Pacific War. Some writers conclude that the Japanese government had a long-standing ambition to send a large number of its people to Australia, and still does. This paper scrutinizes whether such images of an early "Japanese invasion" of Queensland are legitimate. Chapter One reviews the scheme under which Japanese workers were indentured to work on sugarcane plantations in Queensland in 1889, and the negative responses expressed in the Colony, as seen in articles from periodicals such as the Brisbane Courier and the Boomerang. Chapter Two examines the appointment of Enomoto Takeaki as Japan's Minister of Foreign Affairs in May 1891 and his personal influences on migration policy during his term in office. Chapter Three discusses the importation of labourers to Queensland sugarcane plantations in late 1892 and considers possible reasons for the decline in opposition to them in the Colony. Chapter Four considers Queensland parliamentary debates regarding Japanese labourers in 1893 and analyses how positive and negative images of Japan and the Japanese were utilized to support or criticise Queensland's immigration policies.
- 2003-03-25
- Michael Ackland and Pam Oliver編著, Unexpected Encounters: Neglected Histories behind the Australia-Japan Relationship, Monash University Press, 2007/田村恵子著, Forever Foreign: Expatriate Lives in Historical Kobe, National Library of Australia, 2007
- 鎌田真弓編, 『日本とオーストラリアの太平洋戦争 記憶の国境線を問う』, 御茶の水書房, 2012年
- 遠山嘉博著, 『日豪経済関係の研究』, 日本評論社, 2009
- オーストラリアのナショナル・ヒストリー/アイデンティティとアジア(人) : 中国(人)と日本(人)を中心に(1)(2004年度全国大会シンポジウム「オーストラリア史を展望する-白人、先住民そしてアジア人の視点から」報告集)
- 特集によせて(ジャパニーズ・イン・オーストラリア-「記憶」-)
- クィーンズランドの日本人砂糖黍年季契約労働者のイメージ : 1889年から1893年を中心として(ジャパニーズ・イン・オーストラリア-「記憶」-)