B28 関節の動きに伴う皮膚とコンプレッションウェアの変形解析(用具・装具,動作)
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In this study, deformation of the skin around a knee in a flexion action is measured by the noncontact three-dimensional deformation analysis system based on image processing method. The system enables to measure the deformation of the skin under a clothing pressure if the see-through clothes are worn. The conditions with or without pantyhose are considered, the non-worn skin, pantyhose surface and skin under the pantyhose are selected as the measurement objects. The skin is stretched with the large strain over 60% at the 30-40mm upper point from the top of the patella. The bi-axial tension is observed around the top of the patella, the compression with about 40% strain in popliteal region. The pantyhose are deformed with the same tendency as the non-worn skin, but the deformation is small. The deformation of the skin under the pantyhose is also small except for the case with low clothing pressure. Because of this, it is considered that the pressure inhibits the deformation of the skin under the pantyhose.
- 2011-10-30
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- B28 関節の動きに伴う皮膚とコンプレッションウェアの変形解析(用具・装具,動作)