- 論文の詳細を見る
Not only a human being but living creatures respond to a change in their thermal environment which is an important part of the condition for their survival. Because temperature is the most fundamental index of the environmental conditions and a human being or any other living creature is endowed with a physical body, the knowledge of the temperature change in a non-living object placed in changing ambient temperature becomes indispensable when the dynamics of a man-thermal environment system is discussed. This report may offer the reader some fundamental data and a methodlogy in this field. In this report, a nondimensional expression of transient temperature variations of various shapes of objects is suggested. Without solving the equation of heat conduction the authors derive a relation between the thermal time constant and the thermal diffusion of a solid. Taking the Biot number on the abscissa and the nondimensionalized time constant on the ordinate, the authors draw a curve to conveniently represent the thermal transient characteristics of solids. Experimental results show that the obtained data scatter closely along the curve given by the nondimensional expression. The thermal time constant of an object may be established within 20 percent scattering.
- 人間-生活環境系学会の論文
- 1978-12-08
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