恋愛抒情詩の伝統における愛の神聖性とキリスト教教義 : ダンテとペトラルカに見る恋愛への共感と拒絶
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The proposition of "Love is an invention of the 12th century" is right as far as it means that our "exemplar of love" (i.e. "love is holy and sublime") have been formed in the Middle Ages of Western Europe. The source of the exemplar of love is medieval troubadours. In this paper, I describe what kind of attitude Dante and Petrarch, the poets who are in the tradition from the troubadours, did take to love. Christianity is a monotheistic religion, which forbids the worship of other gods. That deification of love is contrary to the doctrine of Christian. In his Secretum (My Secret) Petrarch has rejected the divinity of love. In real life it was not the case, however. In his Divine Comedy which is based on Christian morality Dante has a description that can be read in sympathy for the carnal love. One of the reasons that love occupies a special position in Western culture is this exclusive and inclusive relationship between romantic love and Christian doctrine, which we can see in Dante and Petrarch.
- 2013-05-24
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