互いの共感を生む不安・不満の語られ方 : 会話分析を生かした日本語会話教材開発に向けて
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Many international students have difficulty conversing with native speakers in first meetings, so educational materials teaching conversation for mid-high level university international students, focusing on early stage relationship building, have been developed. Materials are based on conversations between newly matriculated native Japanese speaking freshmen, analyzed using conversation analysis. This paper focuses on a selection, "anxieties and frustrations". Whereas past textbooks focused on advice and consoling words for the reduction of anxiety and frustration, analysis found that the sharing of anxieties and frustrations also resulted in the building of empathy. Useful conversation strategies are presented here as a topic for instruction.
- 2013-03-09
- 基本情報交換以降の話題展開 : 出会いから始まる会話教材に向けて
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- 互いの共感を生む不安・不満の語られ方 : 会話分析を生かした日本語会話教材開発に向けて
- 初年次アカデミック・ライティングクラスのための構造積み上げ型教材の開発と学習者評価
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