数学教育における「操作的証明(Operative proof)」に関する研究(II) : おはじきと位取り表の操作に関するインタビュー調査を通して
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this research is to consider the concept of "Operative proof" that E. Ch. Wittmann proposed as a mathematical learning activity in 1996 and to construct foundations for developing the Substantial Learning Environments with "Operative proof". Especially, for developing the Substantial Learning Environment with "Operative proof" that used counters and place value table, in this paper, I investigated how children operate counters and place value table. I interviewed children to examine their reaction for counters and place value table. This interview is composed of the following questions. 1. Reading the representations of numbers with counters and place value table, and expressing the number on the place value table with counters. 2. Understanding the meaning of the operation of counters, and explaining it. 3. Using the operation of counters to solve arithmetic problems. And this was executed for 45 children of the fifth grader at an elementary school. The following suggestions were obtained from results of the interview for the design of the Substantial Learning Environment. ・Children don't need special guidance to understand the representations of numbers with counters on place value table, but they need some guidance to understand the meaning of the operation of counters. ・At the first step of the learning activity, teacher should guide children how to use counters and place value table. ・For the learning activity with operative proof, children need not only formal computation practice like calculation by writing but also basic learning activity to see number flexibly. Future tasks are to design the concrete Substantial Learning Environments that used operative proof by making the best use of these suggestions.
- 2012-00-00
- H5 数学教育における操作的証明に関する研究 : おはじきと位取り表による操作的証明の事例から(H【証明(説明,論証を含む)】,論文発表の部)
- 複式学級における算数科学習環境デザインに関する研究 : 間接指導時の課題設定のための生産的練習
- 1A1-E2 数学教育における操作的証明に関する研究(これからの学校教育における説明・証明研究の展望IV,課題研究,次世代の科学力を育てる : 社会とのグラウンディングを実現するために)
- 数学教育における「操作的証明(Operative proof)」に関する研究 : おはじきと位取り表を用いた操作的証明を例として
- 学校数学における代数的証明に関する一考察
- 代数的証明の学習における操作的証明の役割
- 数学教育における「操作的証明(Operative proof)」に関する研究(II) : おはじきと位取り表の操作に関するインタビュー調査を通して
- 第3回 数学教育学研究の課題と連携 : ワーキング・グループに向けて(第33回研究発表会特別企画)
- 課題探究として証明することに関する実践的研究