実践記録と歴史的研究 : 保育実践史研究序説
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this report is trying to make it clear what was the starting point of practice of Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) after WWII, and how have it been developed, based on the published documents about ECEC practice. Practice of ECEC after WWII started from Guideline for Kindergarten issued by Ministry of Education. The Guideline stood for "free-flow play" centered principle. However, the new ECEC practice that had critical stance of the Guideline has been created. This is an Introduction report not a completed study yet, and the profound study is now in progress.
- 2011-11-30
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- 1) 幼児教育研究運動の歴史と課題
- 幼児教育の当面する問題点
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- 国吉栄著, 『日本幼稚園史序説 関信三と近代日本の黎明』, 新読書社, 2005年, 390頁, 5,500円+税
- 実践記録と歴史的研究 : 保育実践史研究序説
- 勅使千鶴編, 『韓国の保育・幼児教育と子育ての社会的支援』, 新読書社, 2007年, 288頁, 3000円+税
- 保育実践史のなかのプロジェクト・メソッド(幼児教育史学会第7回大会シンポジウム)