ソーシャル・イノベーションの普及と社会的責任投資家 : 出資動機と行動変容
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This paper aims to clarify how diffusion of social innovation impacts consciousness and behavior of socially responsible investors. The relationship between motivations for socially responsible investments and behavioral changes to solve social issues was investigated by conducting a questionnaire survey of investors in Hokkaido Green Fund, a nonprofit citizen-funded wind power plant. The analytical framework was constructed through a review of research on social innovation processes. The questionnaire survey of socially responsible investors was analyzed based on this framework, and a causal relationship between motivations for socially responsible investments and behavioral changes to solve social issues was shown. Due to the difficulty of obtaining access to socially responsible investors, a three step investigation process was adopted. In the first step, a pilot questionnaire survey was conducted. Questionnaires were sent to 119 investors living in Hokkaido, from which 67 responses were obtained. In the second step, 13 interviewees who agreed to cooperate with the study were selected from those who responded to the survey. In the third step, questionnaires were sent to 596 Hokkaido Green Fund investors living throughout Japan. Responses were obtained from 330 investors, with 301 valid responses. Data was analyzed using factor analysis and structural equation modeling. The first analysis showed that motivations for socially responsible investments consisted of three factors (philanthropic motivations, motivations to understand the business, and motivations to trust the organization), and behavioral changes consisted of two factors (behavioral changes in daily life and participation in social activity). The second analysis showed that philanthropic motivations and motivations to trust the organization affect behavioral changes in daily life and participation in social activity. Motivations to understand the business did not affect behavioral changes.
- 2013-06-15
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