離島地域における民伯体験型観光の特徴と地域内経済効果--沖縄県伊江村を事例として-- (伊藤幸雄教授追悼号)
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The remote island economies heavily depend on the public work budgets. The Japanese government has cut spending for public work projectsd; therefore they are suffering from establishing an additional source of income. The Ie Island launched a kind of community based tourism lodging at the house of a private citizen. In 2012, the Ie Island where only 5,000 people living in it attracts 50,000 school trip visitors a year, and 13% of total households participate in the lodging business. This paper intends to show the distinctive futures of the community based tourism and the assessment of its territorial economic impacts useing input-output analysis. The features that can be found are (1) utilizing inherent living culture and lifestyle of local people, (2) critical role of the intermediate organization between the costumers and the local people offering accommodation, (3) necessity of the participation and corporate identity of the local people, and (4) considering inter-industrial linkage in the territorial economy. The tourism output multiplier on the local economy is estimated at 1.4. The lodging business utilizing private house is extremely labor-intensive. Consequently, the majority of the receipt from visitors is left as incom in the local economy, and the expenditures from teh income induce a large size of ripple economic effect in the local economy. The territorial income generated by the tourism is estimated at about 500 million yen a year, which is just about equivalent to the territorial incom generated by the public work projects. We can conclude that the community based tourism presents potentialities for the autonomous development of the remote island economies.
- 2013-05-15
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